Members Team members Maude BonenfantProfessor - Department of Social and Public CommunicationsFaculty of CommunicationsSimon CollinProfessor - Department of Language learningFaculty of EducationSébastien GambsProfessor - Computer Science Department Faculty of ScienceStevan HarnadProfessor - Departement of Psychology Faculty of Social SciencesJuan-Luis KleinProfessor - Departement of Geography Faculty of Social SciencesChristophe MalaterreProfessor - Department of PhilosophyFaculty of Social Sciences Dominic MartinProfessor - Department of Organization and Human Resources School of ManagementLucie MénardProfessor - Department of Linguistics Faculty of Social SciencesMarie-Jean MeursProfessor - Computer Science Department Faculty of ScienceJean-Hugues RoyProfessor - School of MediaFaculty of CommunicationsElizabeth Allyn SmithProfessor - Department of Linguistics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculties and School